Woo! Two posts in one day? Crazy!
Sony stole the show last year, so let's see if they can kick some ass this year, too!
Come on, Kevin Butler!
11:58 - We are go. Starting things off with a montage trailer. Games, movies, online, 3D, the Move. Some KB in there! Here's hoping for a live appearance.
11:59 - Jack Tretton onstage. Here we go. Tretton warns of action, excitement, and spittle. He's mentioning how cool it would be if KB were here. But, he says the 50-foot mural is enough for now. Jealousy, much?
12:00 - Recapping their 10-year vision. Says that after only four years, they're doing it.
12:01 - Rattled off franchises. Heavy Rain was in there. But it's a single game, right? Ooh... the potential.
12:02 - Only a few minutes in and he's already mentioned 3D. Uh-oh.
12:02 - Kaz Hirai on the scene!
12:02 - He jumped straight into 3D. I am much less excited.
12:03 - He's pimping Sony's 3D program. Not just the PS3, but the TV's and camera's too. Monopoly, much?
12:04 - He keeps stumbling over his words. Managed to get out that we'll have 20+ 3D games by 2011. Might or might not inckude the few 3D games already on the PSN Store.
12:05 - Killzone 3......D. Ugh.
12:06 - New enemies, weapons, and locales, including an arctic bit.
12:06 - Apparently everyone in the audience has 3D Glasses. Those of us watching online don't. I am not impressed.
12:07 - Soldiers on a boat or summat fighting jetpack Helghast. Remind me of Psycho Mantis. Lot's of blood on the screen, makes it hard to see. The game looks good, but what doesn't these days? Shot a jetpacker's pack, it launched him up in the air, until it ran out of gas, and he went splat. Oh boy, not only does the screen get covered in blood, it also goes super-contrast black and white. I love bot being able to see stuff.
12:09 - Some kind of vehicle mech section. Not too cool. Sound is great, though.
12:10 - Sound goes squiffy when you get hurt, and it even effects the cutscenes. Not cool. Oh, and from the looks of it, that little SixAxis wiggle bit is still in the game.
12:11 Mounted gun section in an airship. Game flows smoothly, looks good, especially for pre-alpha code.
12:12 - February 2011. Good. Now I can know when to not care. Oh, and it works with Move. More reason to not care.
12:13 - Kaz is back, pimping for 3D gaming some more, mentioning how it was DEVELOPED, and not adapted for 3D.
12:14 - The Sly Collection? Gran Tourismo 5, Motorstorm, and Killzone 3 in 3D. Along with Crysis 2, Mortal Kombat, Shaun White Skateboarding, Ghost Recon Future Soldier, and NBA 2K11. Snore.
12:15 - Another 3D video. Something about the world cup. Nope, just a lead in. Montage of 3D gaming. Lame.
12:17 - Without glasses, this is just a montage video. At least it's not in that crap blue and red hue.
12:18 - Tretton is back, talking about lifecycles, and how they aren't relevant anymore.
12:20 - Time to talk about Move.
12:20 - I find it funny that everyone throws the word "realism" into motion-contrilled gaming talks. Like Yahtzee said, without tactile feedback, it's just flailing.
12:22 - New dude keeps talking without saying anything.
12:22 - Dev video of talking heads, interspersed with KB. KB is the only interesting bit.
12:24 - The Playstation Move has BUTTONS?! *gasp*
12:26 - Finally time for the games. First up; Sorcery.
12:26 - "Nightmarish fairy kingdoms"? Gay
12:27 - Demo time. It DOES look gay. He is flicking gay purple bots of gayness from his gay wand at ugly and annoying enemies. Radial spell menu. At least it looks pretty.
12:29 - Transformation spell. He is now a rat. Is the rat gay? I don't know.
12:30 - Okay, the game looks stupid, but the tech is good, and the gameplay works, and the crowd is loving it.
12:31 - The narrator sounds rastafarian.
12:32 - Presenter's mic died for a moment. Lol.
12:32 - EA Sports title. Tiger Woods. Don't care.
12:33 - At least Sony is demoing stuff, rather than showing trailers.
12:34 - Dude got up to demo a golf game three minutes ago. He has spent those three minutes standing in front of the tv talking.
12:35 - Swing and a miss.
12:35 - He managed to hit the ball. Game looks nice, but this is the PS3,and that is to be expected now.
12:38 - Oh, Move update via PSN for Tiger Woods game. Ok, let's move on to something cooler.
12:39 - Heroes on the Move?
12:39 - Ratchet, Jak, Clank, Daxter, Sly, and some turtle guy, in some kind of mismatched hack and slach adventure.
12:40 - Talking about ad campaigns. A partnership with Coca-Cola, and giveaways. I am now thirsty.
12:41 - Kevin Butler just showed up!!
12:41 - Dear god, I love that man...
12:41 - Kevin Butler is his usual awesome self. He's playing to the crowd, doing that shooting thing from the Move commercial.
12:42 - He just totally dissed the Cirque du Soleil Kinnect thingy on Sunday. Awesome.
12:43 - "I know everyone has their eye on this motion control thing like it was Olivia Munn in a Lara Croft outfit!"
12:43 - KB is pumping up the crowd, and he is damn good at it.
12:44 - KB is asking us hardcore gamers to not hate on casual gamers. "If you've got an awesome girlfriend, and your friend gets an awesome girlfriend, who wins? EVERYONE."
12:45 - Move has important features...like arms.
12:45 - And necks.
12:45 - Inspirational music, and photos of KB doing epic things with the Move. This is the most inspiring speech ever.
12:46 - "We all serve one master, one king. And his name is Gaming! FOREVER MAY HE REIGN!!"
12:46 - KB is out. His appearance may have been brief, but damn can that man give a speech.
12:47 - Move launches September 19th in North America. Move is $49.99 and Nunchuck is 29.99, or a bundle plus game for 99.99. OR a system bundle for 400. Launch titles are MSRP 40+.
12:48 - Move is being retrofitted into older games, including Heavy Rain!!! Awesome.
12:49 - Another montage to wrap up the Move segment. As always, Playstation has good commercials.
12:50 - As an aside, I hope this mash-up of Move It vs Bust A Move shows up in DJ Hero 2.
12:51 - Time Crisis for Move. Awesome. RE5, as well, but we've already seen that.
12:53 - New ad campaign for the PSP in that Dear Playstation style.
12:54 - It seems they're trying to make a KB for the PSP, and it's a 13-year old black guy.
12:55 - As strange as it seems, I like it. And he has good chemistry with KB.
12:55 - It seems this is now the Dear PSP stuff. It's kind of good.
12:55 - Talking about MGS; Peace Walker. And the PSP.
12:56 - Something called Invizimals. A PSP game with a camera and stuff. And the new God of War game. Trailer time!
12:57 - Looks good. Tretton keeps mixing up the titles for PSP GOW 1 & 2.
12:58 - PSP Lineup montage. I like that they're back to focusing on the PSP 300 and not the PSP Go.
12:59 - Patapon 3! WOO!
1:00 - Kingdom Hearts looks great. And something called The 3rd Birthday. Awesome. And Valkyria Chronicles PSP!
1:01 - "Step Your Game Up" appears to be the new catchphrase.
1:01 - PSP time over. PSN tiem is nao.
1:03 - Holy shit! Sony replicated their entire E3 Booth in Playstation Home! Free stuff and game info.
1:04 - LBP time! Oh boy. Talking about Play. Create. Share.
1:05 - Alex Evans from Media Molecule is onstage. Talking about new stuff to LBP 2.
1:06 - Giving a demo of how the game can create games inside the game. Pretty nifty.
1:07 - Bumper cars and button matching games. Control mapping, and stuff. This looks incredibly powerful.
1:08 - New footage time. They took the best creators, handed them LBP2 for 24 hours.
1:09 - Damn, this looks amazing. This looks absolutely ridiculous.
1:10 - Jack Tretton talking about PSN and the new subscription stuff. "Playstation Plus" features.....nothing concrete. Some pithy words about new content and advance stuff. Costs 50 bucks a year, after he bashed the competition for their 50 buck price tag.
1:13 - Tretton is still talking. Sounds like a wrap-up.
1:14 - Nope. Transition to a guy from EA.
1:15 - Two new titles, featuring exclusive PS3 content. First up; Medal of Honor.
1:20 - New Medal of Honor looks cool, but it all gets so boring. I'm sick of Modern Day stuff. Exclusive PS3 version includes remastered Frontline.
1:20 - Dead Space 2! Now I'm excited.
1:23 - DAMN that looked good. Graphics are beautiful, dismemberment is better than ever, and the exterior sections are still there. Limited edition comes with Dead Space Extraction with Move support.
1:24 - EA guy is still pimping EA stuff. Wrapping up, though.
1:25 -PORTAL 2!
1:25 - Deploying Surprise. It's....
1:25 - GABE NEWELL!!
1:25 - Gabe is acknowledging his previous comments against gaming. He just met KB, the VP of "sharpening things".
1:26 - Portal 2 on PS3! But we already knew that.
1:27 - The PS3 version will be the best on any console?! Wow.
1:27 - Gameplay footage! Much more organic, reclaimed look. GLAdoS is back, and still awesome. 2011.
1:28 - Final Fantasy time. Video of FF....XIV Online?!
1:29 - Meh. Looks pretentious, as always.
1:30 - Mafia II stuff, with Day-1 DLC only on PS3.
1:30 - Assassin's Creed Brotherhood announcement. With PS3 DLC. Multiplayer beta is PS3 exclusive. Trailer time.
1:31 - It's just two dudes running.
1:32 - Wait, shape shifting? I am confused.
1:33 - Another montage, this time of upcoming games.
1:34 - Marvel vs Capcom 3 and new Mortal Kombat are the only surprises so far.
1:36 - Everything else has already been shown.
1:37- That was disappointing. I dont watch E3 to see old stuff.
1:37 - Gran Tourismo 5? Snore.
1:38 - The Top Gear test track is in GT5? Awesome!
1:39 - That doesn't make me want it tho. I'll just build it in ModNation Racers.
1:39 - God damn, this conference is liong.
1:40 - I imagine that would have been cooler if I could have seen it in 3D.
1:40 - Infamous 2.
1:41 - It's a dude running through Not-New Orleans. Not-Cole's new voice is stupid. Electric batons, and a tornado. Plus Ice Powers?! Huh. NOt too visually impressive, though.
1:42 - Last surprise. If it's not The Last Guardian, I'm going to punch a baby.
1:42 - It's two cabbies talking about car combat games. Only on PS consoles, though.
1:42 - It's Twisted Metal, right?
1:44 - Yea, it is. Woo.
1:44 - Lots of clowns on fire.
1:44 - A clown just drove a messed-up ice cream truck onto the stage. This isn't The Last Guardian.
1:45 - Multiplayer gameplay. Motorcycles, cars, and a helicopter. I need to find a baby to punch.
1:46 - Weapons are cool, and it looks kind of fun, but not too visually impressive.
1:47 - New game mode called Nuke. Twisted capture the flag kind of thing.
1:51 - Tretton again. He seems to be wrapping up. But then again, he's seemed like that twice before.
1:52 - It's over. The clown in the ice cream truck is still there. No one seems to care.
Wow. A huge disappointment compared to last year's E3. And where was Uncharted 3?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
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